Long-Term Benefits Of Our Services

Long-Term Benefits Of Our Services

We've told you of our immediate benefits, features and their functions.  Now here are the long-term benefits to you and your company.

  • Consumer Translations expands the true readership of marketing materials by 10%-30%, depending on your geographical region, by reaching non-English readers without need for language-tagged databases.
  • With a single 5-15 minute website contact, all client requirements are defined in your online order.  From that point on, Consumer Translations fulfills the order without further client time required – results are posted online within 2 weeks, and frequently in less time. 
  • A single fee covers everything required including translating, online posting of translations and the computing systems infrastructure necessary for these results. 
  • Marketing departments no longer need to negotiate task priority or website space availability with the Information Technology department.  Consumer Translations expands its server system as needed for its growing customer base.
  • All costs – translation, Quality Control, website allocation and posting – are included in a single basic fee. 
  • This fee is $125 per standard page of 250 words per language, with a one-page minimum for each language.  This per-document fee replaces all costs required to translate documents, maintain language databases, and coordinate multiple mailings. 
  • Your word count is often decreased for billing purposes when we apply "fuzzy matching" software to word counts.  With this method, you pay lower fees when there are repetitions of the same or similar content.
  •  The benefit to you:  Mass communications translation and distribution is completely simplified.

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